Worse bank ever. Avoid Avoid Avoid!! Talked to Arturo about a mortgage, he charged me for an appraisal. He couldn’t get me approved because he didn’t know what he was doing. I didn’t get half of my money back for the appraisal and no one returns calls. i have left a ton of messages but nothing. I even called the processor, no response. I went to EverBank and got approved within 5 hours, and closed in less than 26 days. Avoid this location.
Worse bank ever. Avoid Avoid Avoid!! Talked to Arturo about a mortgage, he charged me for an appraisal. He couldn’t get me approved because he didn’t know what he was doing. I didn’t get half of my money back for the appraisal and no one returns calls. i have left a ton of messages but nothing. I even called the processor, no response. I went to EverBank and got approved within 5 hours, and closed in less than 26 days. Avoid this location.