Bought tickets on Fandango, get to the movie theatre and the sign says, they have a power outage. Every other business in the shopping mall has power. Fratelli's next door still making pizzas. ATT cell phone store on the other side of movies, got every light on. However, the movie theatre "claim" they have no power. Lights on inside the movies. They printed signs to put on the door to say it was a power outage, real suspect.
Some worker come to the door and say there will be no refunds tonight. 200 people waiting to see Black Panther and they have a power outage...RIGHT.
Bought tickets on Fandango, get to the movie theatre and the sign says, they have a power outage. Every other business in the shopping mall has power. Fratelli's next door still making pizzas. ATT cell phone store on the other side of movies, got every light on. However, the movie theatre "claim" they have no power. Lights on inside the movies. They printed signs to put on the door to say it was a power outage, real suspect. Some worker come to the door and say there will be no refunds tonight. 200 people waiting to see Black Panther and they have a power outage...RIGHT.